Monday, July 28, 2014

Just when I thought yesterday was an awesome day, today came and realized that was just the beginning.... indeed, was the perfect opportunity to serve others in a lot of different ways.  We built the stoves in the houses of the most underprivileged people from the Mayan communities. It will shock you to know that a little room is the whole house and not to mention the floor of dirt, because they cannot afford anything else. Still they received us with smiles in their faces and all of them saying "matioshk" which means "Thank you" in the local language.
At lunch time we were able to help with a feeding program for the elderly in the same community where we built the stoves.
Later in the afternoon, we came to the office of the Mayan Families Organization to give out more shoes to orphan children and it was great to see their little faces being so happy with so little.
Pictures will tell you more, cannot wait for what the rest of the week awaits...
Written by Fernando Fuentes

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